Let's talk teeth whitening. No one wants to have nasty looking yellow teeth, especially someone who smiles a lot (moi). The first time I ventured into teeth whitening, I used Crest Whitening strips. The 40$ price tag alone should have been enough to stop but nonetheless, I persevered. One of the prominent side effects included sensitivity. The pain was insane. The nerves in my teeth were in constant agony for about a week after one use.
I actually used another one but this one is the one I bought the second time, thinking it would be less sensitive. It was not.
I stopped using the strips because of this and gradually my teeth started to become yellow tinted again. Then about 3 months ago, I saw Youtubers reviewing the Whitening Lightning Kit. Their reviews looked great and they had coupons codes. Why not purchase a 100$ kit for only 40$ right?
It came in the mail and excited little me rushed to open it. I was excited for pearly whites again without any sensitivity. I used it once. NOTHING. I used it twice. NOTHING. My money had gone to waste. I noticed faint whitening of my front teeth but nothing significant. By the end of the week ,this had gone away and my teeth looked EXACTLY the same as before I used the kit. I was frustrated trying to find a solution. My next stop was the drugstore. I had seen Kandee Johnson use the 5 minute whitening gel. I tried to use it. I really did, but it was so messy and the gel felt yucky in my mouth. It only whitened the tiniest bit.
Now for my savior, the grand duke of teeth whitening products, the creme des dents if you must, ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. Cue the trumpets please!!!!!!
So what is activated charcoal you say? Well it is a form of charcoal that has been reheated and oxidized ( for you science people).The medical use for this stuff is absorbing gas (don't say ew) in the stomach. What makes it so convenient for teeth whitening is its ability to adhere to the things that cause stains on your teeth. Seeing as no-one wants to go to the drugstore and ask for this ( the workers will look at you weird, believe me, its happened to me), I recommend purchasing online. It's also cheaper online. One capsule is usually enough for me. I break the capsule open and pour the contents into a small plastic dish. Then I dunk a toothbrush in it and swirl it around until it is thoroughly covered. I brush my teeth regularly for two minutes and then rinse. I have seen people do this for upwards of five to 10 minutes but I would imagine the charcoal particles are a little rough on your enamel. Better to be on the safe side.
After I am done using this , the sink is always covered with splashes of black from me scrubbing my teeth, so be prepared. This is no little clean task which you will embark on. When I was brushing it looked as if I could be a pirate on the Black Pearl.This journey is dark, literally. But the light at the tunnel is the awesome results! The first time ,you will see a huge difference. If your teeth are deeply yellow you might need something stronger than activated charcoal but if you're like me and just need to remove stains , this should work for you. Happy Brushing!